Tue Jul 16th 2024

Change Communications Commemoration on World Peace Day

1, Sun 24th, Oct 2021, 09:04

Today the 21st September 2021, we are celebrating the world day of #PEACE based on the theme #"Recovering better for an Equitable and Sustainable World".* 

Taking into cognizance that this day talks about what change Communications represents, the Ubuntu family took upon itself to display something in other to commemorate this remarkable day.

A challenge was put up where members of the Ubuntu family were to write short and catchy messages on #peace. A good number of persons showed up to take this challenge with a lot of excitement. At the end of the day all the participants did a swift and wonderful job and were rewarded for taking the challenge. Going through the write ups was amazing as you could discover a lot of intelligence and wisdom displayed in each message.

The participants were very delighted to have received their rewards and greatly thanked Change Communications.


